主页 > 苹果商城可以直接下载imtoken吗 > 胡春健、陈龙鑫:虚拟货币领域的刑事犯罪研究





近年来,全球区块链技术和数字货币的快速发展,给国家监管带来了巨大挑战。 2019年10月24日,中共中央政治局就区块链技术发展现状和趋势进行第十八次集体学习,体现了国家层面对该问题的高度重视。随着基于区块链技术的比特币、以太坊等“虚拟货币”的流行,不法分子借机使用“区块链”、“虚拟货币”、“ICO(首次代币发行)”等各种名称。从事违法犯罪活动。虚拟货币作为互联网金融的创新形态,面临法律属性不明确、国家监管滞后等诸多问题,其高收益背后隐藏着巨大的法律风险。因此,有必要加强对虚拟货币领域刑事犯罪的研究。从法律适用和犯罪风险防范等方面提出对策。













鉴于虚拟货币的去中心化、匿名性、全球可兑换性、交易便利性和不可撤销性,很容易被不法分子反向利用进行相关犯罪。 2017年以来,上海市检察院共查处打着“区块链”旗号发行所谓虚拟货币和数字资产,非法吸收公众存款、传销、集资诈骗、洗钱、盗窃等案件和“虚拟货币”48144人。从相关刑事案件来看,涉及虚拟货币的犯罪具有以下特点:


二是隐蔽。比特币等虚拟货币具有去中心化和匿名的特点。用户可以直接使用互联网进行交易,并创建不同的地址来保护隐私,使得行为监管和追踪变得非常困难。 ;虚拟货币交易具有全球可兑换性和便捷性,不受时空限制,自由度更高,更隐蔽;同时,相关交易平台监管措施和制度不健全,可疑交易难以发现。或违法犯罪行为进行有效识别。

第三,容易传播。虚拟货币作为互联网金融领域的新生事物,专业性强,普通大众知之甚少。容易被不法分子推销利用,相关行为高度混乱; ,传统金融面临的潜在风险被进一步放大,再加上虚拟货币本身的去中心化和跨国特性,相关违法犯罪风险的蔓延和蔓延将更快、更广泛、更难控制。




其次,难以发现和取证。首先,虚拟货币领域的犯罪隐蔽性很强,犯罪嫌疑人的分析、识别、定位、追踪难度明显高于传统犯罪甚至一般网络犯罪;其次,虚拟货币领域的犯罪具有很强的专业性和技术性。 ,办案人员不仅要熟悉相关法律法规,了解相关技术原理,还要有一定的办案经验,特别是此类案件涉及电子证据,对调查取证的规范性要求非常高;货币缺乏中央监管,波动幅度没有限制,市场价格波动较大。目前,缺乏有资质的专业机构进行价格鉴定,难以准确判定犯罪金额。









由于虚拟货币具有财产属性,此类犯罪行为可构成敲诈勒索;在植入病毒的同时,其手段也构成破坏计算机系统罪,可以按照重罪的方法处理。需要注意的是,肇事者明知无法解密,仍以解密为威胁要钱的情况。属于以虚构事实、隐瞒真相等手段非法获取他人财物的行为。此时就构成诈骗罪和破坏计算机系统罪。 .



盗用虚拟货币。虚拟货币的交易便利性、全球可兑换性、价格波动幅度大,为挪用资金等犯罪提供了便利。比如,蔡某等二人利用职务便利,挪用公司的“以太坊”虚拟货币,换成“超级现金”虚拟货币进行炒作,然后卖掉“超级现金”回购“以太坊”,盈利后退还给公司。 ,炒币的利润将由两人平分。在办案过程中有两种不同的看法。一种观点认为,虽然蔡某挪用的虚拟货币不属于基金,但虚拟货币的可变价格属于“单位基金”,即虚拟货币的价值被挪用。因此,应以挪用资金罪定罪量刑;另一种观点认为,虚拟货币不是资金,而是可以视为“计算机系统数据”,因此以非法获取计算机信息系统数据罪定罪量刑。作者同意第二种观点。挪用资金罪的客体只能是单位的资金。由于虚拟货币不具有货币地位,不能认定为资金,因此挪用虚拟货币不构成挪用资金罪。在实践中,不宜将虚拟货币的解释扩大为“等值现金”,否则任何挪用单位财产的行为都可以解释为“等值现金”。当然,在挪用虚拟货币的过程中,行为人可能有一定的侵入或非法获取计算机系统数据的行为,因此可能构成计算机犯罪。





区块链技术具有去中心化和匿名性的特点。行为者在使用虚拟货币交易时只会留下钱包地址,不会关联用户的真实身份,也不需要银行等中介。因此,比特币等虚拟货币很容易成为掩饰犯罪所得、洗钱、逃汇的工具。如犯罪嫌疑人陈某明知丈夫涉嫌集资诈骗,将用赃款购买的车辆抵押,用于购买虚拟货币,并将虚拟货币转入丈夫的虚拟货币账户,帮助丈夫潜逃涉嫌洗钱。据搜狐网报道,2018年,专注于区块链反洗钱的美国公司CipherTrace发布了一份数字加密货币反洗钱报告。报告显示,在 2017 年和 2018 年,黑客窃取了超过 1200 万美元的赃款,无数线下赃款和赎金等数字加密货币通过交易所和洗钱服务提供商进行清洗。上述报道足以反映出虚拟货币洗钱的巨大风险。在这类犯罪中,对犯罪人相关行为的定性一般取决于他是否知道谓词犯罪的类型:是否知道是毒品犯罪、黑社会性质的有组织犯罪、恐怖活动犯罪、走私犯罪、贪污贿赂犯罪犯罪、扰乱金融管理秩序罪 如果行为人只知道广义的犯罪所得,不知道是上述七种犯罪所得,不构成洗钱罪,可以对该罪定罪处罚掩盖或隐瞒犯罪所得。行为人实施上游犯罪后又实施洗钱等隐匿行为的,一般认为事后不予处罚,不构成洗钱和隐匿犯罪所得罪,以下列罪名定罪处罚。上游犯罪。另外,如果是公司、企业或者其他单位,在中国境内购买虚拟货币,在境外转为其他货币,也可能构成逃汇罪。


随着虚拟货币的普及以及相关监管的滞后和缺失,犯罪分子可能会伪装成虚拟经济和金融创新,利用公众对区块链技术和虚拟货币的不了解以及盲目的投资理财等“赚钱”。 “快钱”的心态,不断更新“混淆视听”和“隐形”,打着发行和销售虚拟货币的名义,编造虚假或使用没有发展潜力的虚拟货币,承诺高额利息回报,吸引投资者投资,相关行为可能涉嫌非法集资犯罪、组织领导传销犯罪或诈骗犯罪。比如吴某等人非法集资,成立公司,开发APP后,网络支付的积分可以100%返还,积分可以100%兑换成虚拟“通宝币”和“通宝币”可以兑换成人民币,​​汇率不变。以涨价为诱饵,向公众非法集资;明知“通宝币”的兴起必然导致资金链断裂,便编造“中宝币”继续引诱公众参与募捐,非法集资直至事发9.@ >87 亿元。比如,王某等人组织主导了一个传销案例,他们推荐并介绍了BAC平台(号称是英国的虚拟货币投资平台)。投资人购买积分后,王某等人可以为投资人注册BAC账户。平台运营的主要方法是控制点数的涨跌,吸引投资者;头部开发会盈利,每推荐一个线下可以获得投资人12%的直推积分。离线获得 15 级的 1% 发布点。另一个例子是郭等人的欺诈案。他们通过冒充火币客服来吸引客户,并使用统一的欺诈手段,组织和“炒作”微信群,并开设投资直播以获取受害者的信任。公司推出的平台投资虚拟货币,再由公司员工充当讲师,根据市场情况故意引导客户逆向交易,导致客户亏损,客户共赚取超过380万元人民币损失。在处理类似案件的过程中,首先要确定肇事者的真实行为是投资交易虚拟货币,还是以虚拟货币的名义进行诈骗、传销?是针对特定对象,还是针对未指定的公众?是否有非法占有的目的?只有这样,才能做出准确的定罪量刑。




虚拟货币领域相关立法的完善需要从三个方面考虑。首先,虚拟货币作为虚拟财产的法律属性需要通过立法逐步确认。目前民法典第127条规定“法律对数据和网络虚拟财产的保护有规定的,从其规定”,但虚拟货币是否属于虚拟财产?它受法律保护吗?目前没有明确的法律规定,仅涉及零星的部门规范性文件,相关民事和行政立法有待进一步完善。同时,在刑事领域,可以通过立法解释、司法解释等方式对刑法第92条进行扩展和解释,将虚拟货币纳入第四项“其他财产”的范畴。其次,涉及虚拟货币的刑事案件多发生在经济犯罪领域。对该领域的犯罪行为进行规范,首先要满足二次违法的要求,即该行为可能首先违反行政法规,才可能构成犯罪。 Therefore, it is necessary to revise and improve the economic law in a timely manner. Relevant laws and regulations to adapt to the development of Internet finance such as virtual currency. Some scholars have proposed to "appropriately participate in the formulation of international regulatory rules, and start to draft my country's virtual currency regulatory laws and rules." At present, we can start with anti-money laundering legislation, gradually improve the legislation in various financial supervision fields, and formulate laws and regulations related to virtual currency when the time is ripe. Finally, it is necessary to fully combine the characteristics of crimes in the field of virtual currency and the difficulties in handling cases, and timely revise and improve relevant criminal legislation. For example, in view of the risk of using Bitcoin for foreign exchange trading, it is recommended to cancel the identity restriction of the crime of foreign exchange evasion and add a natural person crime; it is recommended to change the crime of fraudulent purchase of foreign exchange to the crime of illegal foreign exchange trading, and the behavior is no longer limited to fictitious facts, concealing the truth, etc. deceitful acts. At the same time, in response to practical problems such as conflicts of criminal jurisdiction in the field of virtual currency, difficulty in obtaining evidence, difficulty in price identification, and disputes over crimes, we should comply with the needs of scientific and technological development, and clarify substantive laws and procedures by issuing judicial interpretations, case-handling regulations or issuing guiding cases. applicable rules of law.

(二)Strengthen the supervision work in the field of virtual currency

At present, my country lacks clear regulations and regulatory systems for virtual currency. The 2013 "Notice on Preventing Bitcoin Risks" and the 2017 "Announcement on Preventing Token Issuance and Financing Risks" adopted "prohibition of trading platforms to engage in virtual currency". Currency trading and exchange business, but recognize the personal holding, transfer, and trading of virtual currency", which seems to be a transitional arrangement of last resort in the case of the rapid development of virtual currency and the lack of regulatory experience and technology. From a practical point of view, simply prohibiting trading platforms cannot prevent investors from buying and selling virtual currencies on overseas platforms. Based on the global development trend of virtual currencies, it is necessary to strengthen research as soon as possible and gradually improve the supervision system of virtual currencies in my country. First of all, we can learn from Hong Kong’s relevant experience in issuing licenses to cryptocurrency exchanges, carry out virtual currency supervision experiments in my country’s free trade zones by uniformly issuing licenses and building special trading platforms, actively analyze and research, and start from the prevention and management of r问题。 Accumulate experience in anti-money laundering policies, regulatory entities, regulatory technologies, business models, legislation, etc., and gradually release them when the time is right. Second, the regulatory agencies should be clarified to strengthen supervision and inspection. Form a financial supervision system led by the central bank and coordinated by other departments. Although the central bank denies the currency status of virtual currency, virtual currency is a currency symbol that reflects consensus value, not a standard securities transaction target; the central bank currently has specialized institutions to study blockchain and digital currency, and pilot implementation in Suzhou. He also has the strongest ability to understand and supervise the industry; in addition, the central bank also undertakes anti-money laundering functions, and has taken the lead in supervising and inspecting the Bitcoin platform, so it is reasonable and feasible to carry out supervision led by the central bank. Thirdly, we should strengthen technical research and develop regulatory technology. It is difficult for traditional financial supervision to exert its effect on virtual currency. It is recommended to strengthen the research and application of big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence and other fields, to comprehensively improve the ability to find effective clues with the help of data mining technology, and to use artificial intelligence as a means to understand the depth of virtual currency transactions. Analysis, carry out money laundering transaction identification and suspicious degree calculation, so as to improve the monitoring efficiency of virtual currency transactions.

(三)Improve the ability to fight crimes in the field of virtual currency

The high intelligence, concealment, and easy dissemination of crimes in the field of virtual currency pose a huge challenge to traditional criminal law enforcement and judicial mechanisms.重要的。 One is to continuously improve the professionalism of the team. It is suggested that law enforcement and judicial organs should recruit or transfer some professionals who are familiar with Internet and financial knowledge from colleges and universities and enterprises in a timely manner to enrich their teams to adapt to the new situation of Internet financial crimes; strengthen the study of network knowledge and financial knowledge, and invite scientific research Units or relevant large-scale enterprise experts carry out cross-border training, or through the exchange of officers and police with relevant units and enterprises to train interdisciplinary talents of Internet finance + law, speed up the construction of professional case-handling teams; strengthen the research on crimes involving virtual currency , through the establishment of relevant research centers or the release of research topics, etc., to carry out in-depth research on difficult and cutting-edge issues to fully serve law enforcement and case handling; focus on introducing cutting-edge technology, updating forensic equipment, and further improving the forensics capabilities of electronic evidence and other aspects. The second is to strengthen the communication between law enforcement and judicial organs. On the one hand, it is necessary to improve the execution connection mechanism, pay attention to close cooperation with financial regulatory agencies, build an information sharing platform in a timely manner, improve the clue transfer mechanism, and give full play to the advantages of financial regulatory agencies in the field of virtual currency expertise; Coordination and cooperation between them, through holding joint meetings and other forms to jointly study and negotiate difficult issues related to crimes in the field of virtual currency, and reach a consensus on relevant standards; for major, difficult and complex cases, the procuratorial organs can intervene in advance to guide the investigation. Provide opinions on issues such as investigation direction, application of law, and evidence collection norms to improve the quality of investigation. The third is to strengthen international cooperation in combating related crimes. The decentralization, global convertibility, and transaction convenience of virtual currency have led to the strong transnational characteristics of crimes in this field. my country should strengthen cooperation and exchanges with INTERPOL, the Financial Action Task Force, and other countries’ financial regulatory and judicial departments, with anti-money laundering as the focus or main entry point, to understand the new trends in crimes involving virtual currency, and to jointly study and formulate Countermeasures against crimes involving virtual currency.

(四)Increase publicity and education on the rule of law in the field of virtual currency

At present, the world economic growth is sluggish, the international economic and trade friction is intensified, and the downward pressure on the domestic economy is increasing; at the same time, in recent years, the continuous regulation of the real estate market, the downturn in the stock market, the rising inflation rate, and the low return on industrial investment have led to investment Channels are gradually reduced. With the popularity of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, some investors blindly entered the "virtual currency" field, lacking sufficient rationality and sensitivity, resulting in the accumulation of risks in this field. From the perspective of system theory, crime risk prevention should not only focus on combating, but also cultivate awareness of prevention from the social level, especially for Internet financial innovative products such as blockchain and virtual currency, most people are easily violated due to lack of understanding. Therefore, It is particularly necessary to strengthen publicity and education. The first is to increase the publicity of inclusive finance to help consumers understand the nature, variety, potential risks and relevant laws and regulations of Internet financial products such as virtual currency, develop good investment habits, and improve their ability to protect their rights in accordance with the law; the second is to use typical cases , white papers and other means to release security risk warnings involving virtual currency in a timely manner, revealing criminal methods, prompting criminal risks, guiding consumers to protect their personal property, improving their ability to identify, and avoiding blindly following the trend; the third is to actively guide the public to report crimes involving virtual currency. Strong concealment, supervision departments and criminal law enforcement departments are sometimes difficult to detect, and it is necessary to gather social forces to jointly supervise. Relevant departments should strengthen publicity and guidance, and encourage the public to actively report illegal and criminal clues in the field of virtual currency or provide relevant evidence, and after verification Appropriately rewarded.

Hu Chunjian, Director of the Fourth Procuratorate Department of Shanghai People's Procuratorate;

Chen Longxin Deputy Director of the Sixth Procuratorial Department of the Songjiang District People's Procuratorate, Shanghai.